Reily Foods Company's ("TryMe" Brand) Tiger Sauce
is aptly described on the bottle:
"The original Tiger Sauce is an exotic,
moderately spicy blend of ingredients in a cayenne pepper base. With a touch
of sweet and sour, it's perfect on meats, seafood and poultry. Delicious on
sandwiches, in dips and soups." |
For years I have tried, without success, to clone Tiger Sauce. My
reason for wanting to clone it is that I use an awful lot of it. It is one of my
primary "secret ingredients" (maybe not so secret now). Also, it has
become quite expensive at more than US$2 for a 5 oz bottle. That's almost 25¢ per
tablespoon or over $50 per gallon. Some of my recipes use more than bottle at a
I am getting closer to making a true clone of Tiger Sauce. So close, that I now
consider my latest attempts to be a good substitute for real Tiger Sauce. My recent
clone attempts are listed below. |


(see below)
In 2004 the manufacturer appeared to change the formulation
of Tiger Sauce (see 2005 update below). The new Tiger Sauce contained
bits of some uniformly minced vegetable matter, probably peppers. In the past, the
vegetable matter was mashed and almost unnoticeably. The new product also has lots
more seeds. The seeds are very soft but there are so many that they are a
distraction. This is not usually a problem for marinating or basting, but all the
bits and seeds detract from its appearance and texture when used as a flavor garnish.
The bottle's ingredient list also changed and now reads:
"Ingredients: vinegar, sugar, aged
red peppers, Worcestershire sauce, salt, water, 2% spices, vegetable gum and 0.1% sodium
benzoate." |
2005 Update: The sauce texture and quantity of seeds now appears to be
more like the Tiger Sauce of past years. I usually buy at least a half dozen bottles
of Tiger Sauce at a time. Perhaps, I got an off batch in 2004. See Reily
Foods' comments below.
Another plus this year is that the sauce appears to be have more heat. Or maybe,
I'm getting more sensitive as I get older. Either way, I like it. I have often
pureed a habanero in a blender with a bottle of Tiger Sauce to increase the heat.
Unfortunately, it changes the flavor of the sauce.
In May 2005, the Reily Foods Marketing Coordinator ran across this site and emailed me
with the following information:
"Let me explain ... the difference between
the graphics on the two bottles you have posted [at the top of this page]. The top bottle
is the original and current graphic we use for the product. The bottom bottle is a
misprinted label...when it went to print a layer of gold was accidentally deleted,
therefore resulting in a slight different look. The bottles were already in circulation
before the error was noticed but by now have sold through and the correct graphic is in on
the shelf. As far as the formula goes, we
currently use the exact formula that was developed years ago when Tiger Sauce was born.
You may, from year to year; see a slight variation in peppers depending on the pepper crop
that year and the exact grind of the peppers. The ingredient statement is slightly
different because we are now required to list out some ingredients that before we are able
to group as spices or flavorings. But believe me the formula is still the same.
As far as pricing goes we have Tiger Sauce gallons available
through our mail order department 800-692-7895. You can purchase a case of 4 gallons for
$90 plus shipping of $12.95. That equates to $25.74 a gallon. Much better than the $50 you
are paying. I hope that you find this information helpful and as I said we are always
excited to find new Tiger Sauce fans!
" |